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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

Latest Correspondence

Whole School Correspondence 2023-24

This area of the school website contains all letters sent to parents in this current term. We hope this will help families find any necessary and relevant letters quickly and easily, as we know how easy it is to misplace and lose important correspondence with the very busy lives families lead.

The area is split into Whole School Correspondence, Year 3 - 6 Correspondence respectively.



Information regarding changes to Penalty Notice Fines for School attendance Please find Information regarding changes to Penalty Notice Fines for School attendance 01/07/2024

Chesswood Junior School - WHOLE SCHOOL PHOTO 2024 Please find information regarding Whole School Photo 20/06/2024

National Numeracy Day Please find information regarding National Numeracy Day Events 17/04/2024

Parents Evening

Please find information detailed in the letter regarding Parent's Evening.

Please click on the letter attachment to take you to the document


Teacher Strike Please find information detailed in the letter regarding Strike days for July. Please click on the letter attachment to take you to the document 19/06/2023