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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

Corona Virus Update - Monday 16th of March

Government advice changed at 17:00 on monday the 16th of March

Government advice changed at 17:00 on monday the 16th of March. Please read the new guidance on school opening and school attendance.

  1. School is open and will remain open for the foreseeable future – we continue to prepare a learning structure for if and when the school closes to most or all children – more details on this will follow in the coming days.
  2. Children must remain at home if they or any member of the household they live in has a new persistent cough or a high temperature (38°C or over i.e. hot to touch -
  3. Children who are well and living in households where everyone is well should continue to attend school as normal.


NHS Self isolation

If your family does need to self-isolate please ensure for the safety of all families you follow the clear guidance available at: